Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on December 13, 2005 By dynamaso In Current Events
For those of you who don't know or haven't heard about the escalalting incidences in Sydney over the last few weeks, here is a recap: after an incident where a couple of lifesavers were bashed, local groups decided to stage a protest at the beach, Cronulla, where this occurred. This led to one of the most sickening displays of violence I have ever had the misfortune to witness. Retaliatory actions were carried out by roving gangs of youths in cars at a number of beach-side suburbs, including Maroubra, the suburb next to the one where I live.

To hear police cars screaming up the road outside my place, knowing they were on the way to stop gangs of violent youths from harming each other and innocent locals was scary enough. Couple this with the fact that a lot of this violence is racially motivated makes me wonder what is happening to Australia.

It disapoints me. It makes me sad. It also has me lamenting the loss of the Australia I once knew: a place where everyone is socially and culturally equal, regardless of what you believed or how or where you lived. I miss it already.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 02, 2006
Ted, they are scary indeed, particularly when they are taking place one suburb away. The wailing of sirens never sounded so portentious. IMHO, the rhetoric both our state and federal politicians used to denounce the events leading up to and the riots themselves probably only served to spark the ire of a lot of the people involved in this infraction, but the Emergency Services people did a superb job, all things considered.

Yes, I raise my glass to them, one and all.

Thanks for stopping by and a Happy New Year to you.
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