With the world still shaking from the terrible tsunamis and the havoc, death and destruction visited upon the Pacific rim, you would think the last thing people want to do is start blaming others for this problem. Well think again. Here in Australia, there are those who are already pointing fingers. Yesterday, while watching bits and pieces of different news reports, I caught a piece on A Current Affair - Summer Edition (as if we don't know it is Summer here). Two of the pieces on this ...
For those of you who don't know or haven't heard about the escalalting incidences in Sydney over the last few weeks, here is a recap: after an incident where a couple of lifesavers were bashed, local groups decided to stage a protest at the beach, Cronulla, where this occurred. This led to one of the most sickening displays of violence I have ever had the misfortune to witness. Retaliatory actions were carried out by roving gangs of youths in cars at a number of beach-side suburbs, includin...
Okay, so I don’t often comment on current affairs or political issues but there has been a story come up here in Australia in the last few days and I have to put in my 2 cents worth. Basically, this started when a couple of young guys, in a moment of sheer youthful exuberance and with a skin full of alcohol, decided to do some ‘turkey slapping’. This delightful expression, for those of you not familiar with it, is another name for a fairly gross act of indecency. ‘Turkey slapping’ refers...
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This has been a long time coming but I am very pleased it has finally happened. Today will be remembered as a great day in Australian history, a day when we can start to move forward together as one nation. Of course, this is not a quick fix, nor a cynical bid for political popularity by the Rudd government. It is a necessary step in the healing process for Aboriginal Australia. Following is Prime Minister Rudd's speech, in full. "I give notice that, at the next sitting, I will move: ...
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