It is Sunday morning (just) and the first day back on normal time after setting our clocks back an hour. I stayed up late last night watching goofy horror movies on Showtime and listening to the wind absolutely howl outside. The last week has been pretty humid and warm here, Summer's last gasp, I think. Yesterday got up to 35 before a change moved in. Down came the rain and the wind picked up and it hasn't stopped blowing since. Our little apartment was fairly shaking from it last night. I just hope it is raining over our catchment areas.
The band has got some live gigs coming up soon. We've been rehearsing hard for them, although our rehearsals have been somewhat out of sorts. As soon as we booked the shows, our rehearsal amp decided it was time to quit. We've been getting by but it is just not the same. I shouldn't complain, though. I bought the amp at a hock shop about 5 years ago for about $50, so I guess it has done its service. Still, we're going to have to hunt up a new amp soon, though. We might as well get something bigger and better too, which means we're going to have to spend more than $50. But first we have to make some money. Oh well, such is the cycle of spending, I suppose. I just wish the old one had held out a little bit longer.
Speaking of the band, we've put up a 'live' track on our Myspace page. It is something different but more in the direction we're heading. Check it out and let me know what you all think. There is a link to our Myspace page in my sidebar.
I've been writing a lot lately but not posting anything. To be honest, I've not been happy with any of my prose lately. I enjoy writing but some of the stuff I write is definitely intended for my eyes only. The band has been keeping me very busy too and when I'm busy there, it does tend to sap some of my creativity in other areas. Still, I've got a couple of poems I've been working on and hope to post in the next few days.