Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on August 15, 2007 By dynamaso In Poetry

I’m not sure I would ever be
As challenged by life if I was always happy
Shadows hide pearls
Shade hides fruit
Sometimes the best ideas
Come from the most tragic of events

But there is this black dog I sometimes walk
Who occasionally wags its tail in spite
Then defiantly pisses
On any good intentions
Or barks at the door of sanity
Until I can’t stand to hear anything else

I want to put my head down
Leave all the bright thoughts for others
And dwell in this malaise
This bog of depression
So I can blanket my feelings
Cradle it all up and rock it back to sleep

Unable to predict the next bout
I suffer the indeterminable pain of waiting
And wondering when
I will be subject to the whims
Of chemical imbalances
Or will this be the final straw on my back

I’m not sure I would ever be
As challenged by life if I was always happy
But fuck, I’d like to give it a try

on Aug 15, 2007
A-fuckin-men, brother.

Great writing, tragic but not self-pitying. You walked the line skillfully.

Thanks. DynaMaso -
on Aug 15, 2007

Thank you for your continued support, my friend. I am humbled by your kind words.
on Aug 22, 2007
I'm late, but I hear ya loud and clear! Nicely done!
on Aug 22, 2007

Thanks very much for your kind words too. Good to 'see' you.