Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on September 5, 2007 By dynamaso In Poetry
Walking a back alley
Next to a messy pile
Of autumn-clipped limbs
And leaning against
A broken porcelain toilet
I saw an artist’s canvas
Half finished
When inspiration
Was no longer available

An unfinished
Master-less piece
The technique naive
But vigorous
Who ever started this
Had Muse riding shotgun
But only for a brief time
It only served to remind me
How so much of who we are
Ends up being discarded

While I was only
Short-cutting through an alley
And would soon be back
On my relatively-easy street
There are so many others
Who, like that painting
Have lost their muse
And have been left
Half finished on a garbage heap
Called Humanity

on Sep 06, 2007

These are all yours?

I love how you can paint a vivid picture with just a few words.


on Sep 06, 2007
Who ever started this
Had Muse riding shotgun
But only for a brief time
It only served to remind me
How so much of who we are
Ends up being discarded

I love that part.
on Sep 06, 2007
Confident and masterful. My friend, make a wav file and send it to


I'm serious, I want to showcase your art!

-Moskowitz Click here for a sample
on Sep 06, 2007
Confident and masterful. My friend, make a wav file and send it to


I heartily concur.   
on Sep 08, 2007

These are all yours?

Absolutely... I'm not writing song lyrics anymore so this is a great escape for me. Pleased you stopped by, given your aversion to poetry.


Thanks for your continued support.


I'm working on getting my shit together to record some of these for you. Hopefully it will be in the next week or so, okay? Thanks again for your support.


You're a continuing inspiration, my friend. Thanks again...

on Sep 08, 2007
You're a continuing inspiration, my friend.

Haha, at least I'm good for something.

(here I am intoxicated listening to Rod Stewart's Maggie May on my trusty Bose radio. Now how fucked up is that...   
on Sep 08, 2007
oh yeah.


forgot that pa-renth-a-fuckin'-sis...
on Sep 09, 2007
Make sure you have one for me. It is mid afternoon Sunday here and I'm just kicking back getting over a bit of bender last night. Hope you have good one, mate.
on Sep 09, 2007
I am impressed with this natural talent of yours...to me, it's pretty difficult to write poetry.
on Sep 09, 2007

Thank you... Now, if only it could start paying the bills
on Sep 25, 2007
I liked this one too...and the others....lol!
on Sep 25, 2007

Thanks again... You rock!