Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on September 26, 2007 By dynamaso In Poetry
I can’t be bothered
Cause I won’t be saved
I will return to dirt
As I lie in my grave

But I’m not faithless
I just don’t require
A blind belief
In something higher

My faith is built
Not on guilt or fear
But on the love of those
I hold dear

I know their love
As they know mine
And for what its worth
Their love is divine

on Sep 26, 2007
I just don’t require
A blind belief
In something higher

Me either. But then I'm one to believe that's there's really nothing as clear sighted as a belief in Something Higher.
on Sep 27, 2007

You bring up a good point though and one I've always wondered about. Why is faith built on guilt or fear? It just seems puzzling to me that God wants us to be scared of him. A topic to be discussed elsewhere i'm sure....just my thoughts!
on Sep 27, 2007

I do have faith. I just don't believe in rubbing people's faces in it.


As you say, it is a subject to be discussed elsewhere. I'm putting a bit of a blog together at the moment. Stay tuned...
on Oct 10, 2007
I'm with Roy; for me, I was an unrepentant atheist, then in the blink of an eye, I wasn't. It made sense but damned if I could explain it. I like the humanism of this poem, it is reassuring - Moskowitz
on Oct 10, 2007

I don't think I've ever been unrepentant. I guess I'm just too damned nice . I have a lot of respect for those who dedicate their lives to a higher calling. I just know its not for me.