Take a number and wait until you're called.
Of a sort...
Published on October 4, 2007 By dynamaso In Poetry
I stumble to the kitchen
Weary, bone-tired and worn
And as the daylight rises
I stare at the crack of dawn

Weary, bone-tired and worn
I wonder how I will last the day
I stare at the crack of dawn
Wishing the sun was fading away

I wonder how I will last the day
While I wait for my morning brew
Wishing the sun was fading away
I could be back in bed with you

While I wait for my morning brew
I can hardly contain my scorn
I could be back in bed with you
Not weary, bone-tired and worn

on Oct 04, 2007

So does this mean you get up and make the coffee in the mornin?

Ya know, they make coffee makers with timers, so you can snuggle a little bit longer and when you both get up, coffee is ready!

on Oct 04, 2007
Good stuff, Maynard!

I agree! And hey! I knew a chick named Dawn once too!
on Oct 04, 2007

does this mean you get up and make the coffee

Yes, I do. But only for me. Toni prefers a nice cup of English Breakfast tea. As for brewed coffee, well I'm gonna have to get me one of those.


Good stuff

Thanks. I thought it was alright. Incidentally, I still haven't taken the plunge with Poetry.com. To be honest, I have balked not because I'm concerned I won't be liked but rather because I don't want to become part of yet another online community at the moment. I already feel like I'm spreading myself thin. I'm going to kill off a few different profiles soon and when I do, I am joining Poetry.


Thanks to you too, mate. And it has to be asked; did you get up the crack of Dawn? ::
on Oct 10, 2007
Good writing, mate. A thoroughly enjoyable read! Thanks, Buddah
on Oct 10, 2007
Good stuff, Mark. Pantoums are so cool.

did you get up the crack of Dawn?

My brother dated a girl named Dawn and he bought a t-shirt which said,"I'm so horny even the crack of dawn looks good". He liked that shirt. Dawn's parents didn't.   
on Oct 10, 2007

Thanks again, mate. You (and a few others here) continue to provide me with the right encouragement.


Good stuff

Thanks, mate. Pantoums are cool but really hard to write.

Good to see you.