Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on February 3, 2008 By dynamaso In Poetry
They say I’m lazy
Whoever they are
While I walk everywhere
They drive a car

They say I’m careless
I don’t give a hoot
At least I’m conscious
Of when I pollute

They say I’m shallow
And my skin is thin
But I know enough
To shut up when I win

They say I’m led
By the seat of my pants
Life is a risk
We all must chance

They say I’m motivated
By drugs and sex
As they suck down drivel
From their television sets

They say I’m lazy
Careless and shallow
But they’re envious
Because I’m a happy fellow

on Feb 03, 2008
Heh, heh. "They" talk a lot of shit, don't they? You'd think they'd have something better to do.

Nice one, Maso.

on Feb 03, 2008

"They" talk a lot of shit, don't they?

Indeed they do, mate, indeed they do. Perhaps the bigger mystery is why so many choose to listen. I'll never figure that out...
on Feb 03, 2008
obviously "they" don't know what they are talking about!! People listen because the "they" tend to get really loud and you know the saying, "An empty vessel makes the most noise"...."they" don't know what they are talking about!
on Feb 03, 2008
"An empty vessel makes the most noise"...

Now, if only 'they' would remember this. Thanks for stopping by
on Feb 04, 2008
I have notebooks all over the house where I'm always writing shit down. The very last thing I wrote down was this:
They say I'm lazy,
Doesn't give a damn,
They say I'm crazy,
But I know who I am.
Then I come in here and see your poem and think ... Spooky.

Because I’m a happy fellow

You know that's all that matters, mate. Who cares what 'they" or anyone else says.

on Feb 04, 2008

Well, there you go. I knew you and I had a lot in common, mate, besides great taste in women ::

Who care what 'they" or anyone else says

My point exactly...

Good to see you, mate.
on Feb 04, 2008
Reminds me of that Eagle's lyric They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time...

But absolutly brilliant Maso! And it has something to say too about how truth can have two sides to it...   
on Feb 04, 2008

"Life's been good to me so far..." Wasn't it a Joe Walsh song as opposed to an Eagles song?

has something to say too about how truth can have two sides

Yes, there are too many of us who look at a situation and make snap judgements that are altogether wrong.
on Feb 04, 2008
"Life's been good to me so far..." Wasn't it a Joe Walsh song as opposed to an Eagles song?

That's what I was thinking, but when I looked it up to make sure I had it right it said "Eagle's lyrics" WWW Link
on Feb 04, 2008
Yeah, just goes to show you can't believe everything you read on this new-fangled internet thingy...
on Feb 04, 2008
Yeah, just goes to show you can't believe everything you read on this new-fangled internet thingy...

Haha! I think that point has been drivin home and well proven by a certain "big fish" on this very site recently...   
on Feb 05, 2008
I amazed at just how much someone can lie to themselves, let alone everyone around them. This recent incident would be a perfect example of this, wouldn't it?