Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on April 29, 2008 By dynamaso In Poetry

Beauty like a vacuum

Sucks the breath out of me

I can't look at her

She's too bright to see

Tangled dark on her head

It's a sweet abyss

I'm captured forever by her

Brilliant, radiant bliss


Beauty like a dagger

Piercing my skin

Etched in the flesh of my heart

A tattoo of my sin

I can barely see her

She's a flashing star

I'm caught in her gravity

Destined to circle her from afar


Beauty like a parade

Dazzling pageantry

I can't take her all in

She's too much for me

I'm a lonely watcher

Waving as she passes by

Then the parade is gone,

And I'm left alone

Without a chance to say goodbye



on Apr 29, 2008

Very nice, mate.  I really liked it.


on Apr 29, 2008
Oh HELLS yeah. Been there about a million times before.

Nice writing, Maso.
on Apr 29, 2008


Thanks mate.  It happens regularly


Been there about a million times before

Yes, it is part of the male condition, right?

on Apr 29, 2008

That passing girl must get around because not only did I see her today I seen her yesterday, too.


Nice work, mate.

on Apr 29, 2008

not only did I see her today I seen her yesterday, too.

Wow, she does get around because I saw her this morning too. 

on Apr 29, 2008
That passing girl must get around because not only did I see her today I seen her yesterday, too.

She was in front of me at the grocery store just yesterday! God, but I hate to stare but sometimes I can't help myself. This was a good one that touch a nerve as I note all the guy's comments here!   
on Apr 29, 2008

This was a good one that touch a nerve as I note all the guy's comments here!

I figured it would.  She is unavoidable, it seems.