Take a number and wait until you're called.
Published on May 8, 2008 By dynamaso In Poetry

I love the days of me and my girl

In the sun watching clouds unfurl

Or on the couch watch a favoured movie

Laughing and loving being togetherly


I love the nights of my and my girl

Playing the bend and stretch and curl

Feeling the love between our skin

Letting the cooling sweat soak in


I love the mornings of me and my girl

Bedsheets and hair turned in a whirl

Dizzy with dreams had of each other

Of enchanted lands, lives and lovers


I love these times of me and my girl

The seconds, minutes, hours and days

The weeks, months, years and decades

Pass us by quickly but our love never fades

on May 08, 2008



on May 08, 2008

I wrote this as an opposite statement to my previous poem.  This is actually more like the real me than anything else.


Thanks, mate.

on May 08, 2008
I love the days of me and my girl
In the sun watching clouds unfurl

Yes, very nice! I do think you and your girl would enjoy the clouds even more if you would experience being above and falling through them, though.   
on May 08, 2008

This was very lovely and kind of summery.

You have a poetic knack my friend.

on May 08, 2008


if you would experience being above and falling through them, though

You mean I'd enjoy them more with my eyes closed and the sound of my own voice screaming in my ears


You have a poetic knack

Why thank you m'am   I do try...

on May 09, 2008
on May 09, 2008
SanCho, thanks mate.
on May 09, 2008

Very good, mate.

Time indeed is precious and who better to spend it with but your love one.

on May 09, 2008

who better to spend it with but your love one.

Yes, who better indeed.  Thanks, mate.

on May 09, 2008

This is now one of my fave poems from you.

on May 10, 2008


Thanks.  I'm glad you like it that much too. 

on May 14, 2008

I tought this was a great little verse, captured the childlike simplicity of love at its most basic. Good show.

on May 14, 2008


Yes, I was going for the simple child-like wonder of love.   Glad you saw it.