I've mentioned a number of times in my ramblings about my wife and my garden and how much we love it and enjoy growing our own food. I've been keeping a bit of a photographic diary this year of our progress. I won't bore you all with endless pictures of the same garden as it was growing. Instead, the following are the latest progress shots of the garden beds (we have three) in our rented back yard. I've also included a few shots of some local fauna enjoying spring flowers.
This is the main bed and shows the beans on the immediate left, cat mint and marigolds in the foreground, the lavender being invaded by our squash and cucumber plants in the middle ground and at the back, the rosemary bush.

Here is a shot of the squash plant taken over the top of the rosemary bush. These plants are doing particularly well and we have already had a couple of meals from them. Yum, squash!

The next shot is the same bed, with the bean trellis at the back, tomato bushes on the left and basil and spinach in the foreground.

This next shot is of our second bed and in this one, you can see some more squash (spaghetti squash this time) and some more beans growing up the fence, as well as some marigolds to keep the bugs at bay and our compost bin on the right. Just out of sight are snow peas, watermelon and some more squash as well. Yes, we like sqash. 

This next shot is of the newest bed. In this one, we have corn, eggplants and a variety of chinese greens and cabbages, as well as some more marigolds. For those of you interested, the marigolds have proved to be far more effective at keeping the harmful bugs away from our plants than we ever imagined. And they also brighten up the garden too.

The next few shots are of some native birds feeding in a Bottlebrush tree. These birds weren't scared of me coming right up to them and taking their photo. I've also included a shot of the Bottlebrush blooms. It is a pretty flower, don't you think?

Finally, here is a shot of our cat enjoying a leaf off the catnip plant. You can tell she hates it, right.