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Blogging for Dummies...
Published on May 2, 2005 By dynamaso In Blogging
As this is the first online community I've ever been part of and as I am pretty slow on the uptake, I'd like some help from JU. I've noticed an increasingly large amount of abbreviations in use. Some I've worked out, others I have had to ask what they mean and yet more, I've no idea about. The abbreviations I'm referring to are such ones as IMO, IMHO etc.

I'm sure there is probably a list somewhere but I'm asking JUsers to respond with abbreviations they know and use and ones they know but don't use. Any responses will be gratefully received.

on May 02, 2005
IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
L O L - laughing out loud
LMAO - laughing my ass off
ROFL - roll on the floor laughing
AFAIK - as far as I know
IIRC - if I recall correctly
WTF - What the F***
WTH - what the hell

These are the ones I usually use.

Here's the big list.Link
on May 02, 2005
BTW, I'm glad your back, IMHO. IIRC you've been on vacation. WTF ya been doing? WTH, enjoy!
on May 02, 2005
Ravenblack, thanks very much for your response and for the link. I knew there would be a proper list out there somewhere but I had no idea where to go to look.

Shovel, I'm glad to be back, mate. I'm just putting the finishing touches on an update, which I'm going to post very shortly. Thanks for the response too.
on May 02, 2005
at Shovelheat!!!!

Hey Maso i've been wandering too sometimes, gotta say thanks to Ravenblack too!

The ones I use are easy
lol: laugh out loud
asap: as soon as possible
btw: by the way
bf: boyfriend
so: significant other
omg: oh my god/gosh

Uhm, yeap that's about it
on May 11, 2005
My new favourite reference source, Schott's Original Miscellenary, features a page full of online abbreviations, so I think I pretty sorted on this score now. Thanks to all for responding and helping me out. I appreciate it.