For those who might want to know...
I’ve been out of touch for a few weeks now, apart from the occasional commando run into the JU community. The reason for my lack of blogging is I’ve been on holidays. I hadn’t had a good break for 18 months or so and as the rest of this year is going to be very busy for me, I decided to take some time to recharge the batteries. It also gave me a chance to catch up on a few jobs around the house before winter starts.
I spent time writing and recording some music with my new collaborator. I watched some movies. I read a lot, thought a lot more and generally lazed about in the sun (the weather here has been particularly warm, given it is supposed to be Autumn).
I also investigated the possibilities of doing an online degree through one of the Universities here. I’m still not sure which way I’m going to go but I know I’d like to study some sort of Philosophy (I’m leaning towards Eastern Philosophy as I have a healthy interest there already). Having said this, my wife thinks Plato and I would get on very well together, so I not limiting my options just yet.
I’ve also got a bunch of ideas for blogs, most of which I haven’t started writing yet. I will get around to writing them, and hopefully back to some more regular blogging. I hope everyone is well and happy.